The Tampa Bay Times

Capt. Brent Gaskill
 There’s always that one lucky catch.  You know, the flounder that hits while trout fishing, or the cobia that shows up out of nowhere.  Anything can happen in saltwater, but can you target specific species?  This detail is the difference between being an average angler that simply goes out in hopes of catching a fish, and an experienced angler who can plan a trip based on catching the desired specie.  Many well-seasoned anglers can even tell you what type of fish is on the line way before ever seeing it.  The initial strike, the way it fights or runs, the way the rod tip bounces, and location all give off tell tale clues as to what kind of fish has been hooked.  So, how does one hone their skills and increase their knowledge base to advance their hobby to the next level of play?  Nothing beats time spent on the water.  It’s more than chronological hours and minutes however. It needs to be productive time paying attention to all the subtleties of nature.  Pick your species and try to target only that species.  If you come home skunked, it’s not a failure.  It’s a successful trip because you’ve learned something in the process.  Fishing is like any other sport where practice will only make you better.  But then, a little luck never hurts once in awhile

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