Right now is the best time of the year to target Tarpon.  Silver Kings are cruising the beaches on their yearly migration up and down the west coast of Florida.  This week’s strong new moon tides provide some of the best action you will ever see in Tarpon fishing.  They will congregate in the deep 90-foot hole off Egmont Key, waiting for the falling tide.  Once the current is at its fastest, crabs will start to flush out with the tide.  Tarpon are in the hole waiting for the flush of crabs. Two of the biggest problems I see is that people make the mistake of dipping crabs in the “drift” and running on plane through the pack of boats that are fishing.  Crabs are all over the place; there is no reason to interrupt everyone’s drift that is fishing.  Once the drift is over, go out and around the pack of boats, not through the tarpon and the area that people are fishing.  Running on plane will disrupt the fish and cause unnecessary boat wakes. I like to use a Rod that can handle Heavy 65lb. braided line with 80lb. Flourocarbon leader with a 4/0 Super J Hook.  This set up will land big fish quickly to prevent the fish from fighting to total exhaustion. Tarpon will fight for long periods of time, so take the time to revive the fish by putting the boat in gear and flushing water through their gills. 

Captain Rob Gorta



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