Not much has changed since last week. The best inshore bite is still redfish. Live and cut pinfish is the best bait. Look for pockets of mullet and the reds will be close by. The nearshore rocks has the best action with large grunts and keeper mangrove snapper. Live shrimp is the ticket to get the bite going and when it starts don’t slow down until it stops.

 If I were to target trout here are three areas I would try. The bars just west of Fort.Island beach on the outgoing tide. Use dark colored soft plastic with a 1/8th oz. jig head and work the back side and cuts between the bars especially early morning. Next spot would be the deep grass about 2 miles west of marker #2  from the Homosassa channel. Overcast days with a slight chop is the best conditions for this area. The best color soft plastic are MirrOlure LIL. Johns in watermelon red flake, pearl gold glitter and electric chicken. A 1/8 0z. jig head is best and let the bait stay close to the bottom with a upward jigging action. The last area would be the bars  on the north side of the Chassahowitzka channel. On an outgoing tide fish the west side of the bars with a D.O.A. 5.5 glow jerk bait. The spots on the bar with bait fish showering with hold the trout. This coming weekend high tide will be late afternoon with a low midday tide for the scallopers. 


William Toney
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