American flags need to be made in America.    Where were they made before?    The flag is a theme this go around. 

Anyway, I’m not judgmental.   Oh, wait, I meant to say I AM judgmental.    The US wins the chick kickball tournament.    Against my wishes.    90% of people are with me on this one.    One person.   One:  That’s all it takes to ruin it.    She hates America, I wanted them to lose.   They let her take the penalty kick that was the game winner, depressing if you ask me.   I hope she gets audited every year for the rest of her life.    Pfft.  This will be the last blog where I mention it.   I want them to “go away.”  

Anyway, the US women’s kickball team.   Netherlands let me down.    I was hoping they would fly to Mexico instead of coming back to the states.    Throwing the flag on the ground…   That’s nice.    The ungrateful American.   Online, a post welcome the team home thing.   Showing their plane.   I said “It’s too bad the plane didn’t go to Cuba.”  My post like 50 likes an hour.    Funny how people were tolerant of stuff a week ago and now they are unhappy.  

On the internets:  They will show you what you are going to look like when you are old.    I have to look.   They’re everywhere.   One of them, the guy looked just like his father.    Almost uncanny.  Mostly, I decided I wouldn’t do it because everyone looked so bad.   Maybe they didn’t think so but I was depressed.  

Female dragonflies fake death to avoid males.    Well, that’s no good.

This woman attacked her guy with a machete and a shoe.    OK.   Generally, all the news fits that category.   Lesbian this and that.   OK.   I’m fine with that.   The soccer team:   I look forward to another month passing and then we don’t hear about them for three years.     Throw the flag on the ground and step on it?   My friends, I was very interested to see their reaction.   Outrage.    It’s very easy in life:  You don’t do certain things.     That’s one of them.   The very small minority that are the “what’s the big deal” crowd:  They don’t make very compelling argument.     The daily news stories are just amazing.    The things people are doing.   They’re disturbed.    Violent.    Where does it come from?   I guess I am glad I’m not connected to the people in the stories but the stuff that makes the news daily:  How did things get this way and why do people live like that??  How did we get so angry?

I guess it’s not all bad.  Even though we are supposed to say it’s bad.   A man used a case of beer as a car booster seat for his kid.    I mean, good idea, but he shouldn’t have told anyone and he wouldn’t be a societal enemy for it.  

Back to fishing, not a ton of trips but there are a few people who want to go.   It got better, but not by much.   Things are different.    I am skipping ICAST this year.   Craig is going, setup for Producto/12 Fathom.   When it’s over, I’m going over there.   Update:   One more day left of it.   I haven’t talked to him.    He needs to sell the company and retire.  

Finally, I got Craig some fish.   Pompano have returned!!    So,  I wondered if they weren’t going to arrive at all this year.    My guess:   They are just three months behind for some reason.   They are the size they usually are in April.    They’re small, barely legal fish.   The way it starts out every year, a month later they are usually a lot larger.    Went from four pompano all year to 40 in just a couple of days.    Not on the huge yet but I assume that is possible in the days to come.  

No question:  July, I’m counting the days until October.   By October 20th things start to change around here.   A change in the weather is no more important now than it ever was.    The algae blooms are extensive, like they have never been seen.    Everything is in peril.  

Pompano late, will they stay good longer into Fall?  

Saw the headline, “One Food Kills Dementia” but I forgot to click on the link.  

“New footage found of Trump having fun.”   

Pictures I’ve never seen before.  Me, my Mom and my Dad.    I wonder where we were when they were taken.   Probably in Podunk when I was umpiring.   Anyway, they looked happy.    I guess if I saw the pictures before, I never noticed but they actually look happy to be there.    My Mom not as big a surprise but my Dad I always though he was lukewarm on matters regarding, well, almost anything.     My Dad did give me a seal of approval, unexpected and I’ll wear it like a badge forever.     He didn’t mind the way I’d lived my life.        I think my Mom wanted more.    But more and more, she’s pleased.   She likes the three books publishing.   No question. 

Speaking of which:  “I Thought It Was Funny” has hit the streets.    My third book, non-fishing, people are liking it.    Here is what I’ve heard back:

“Neil. Your book arrived today. My wife took it and she hasn’t been seen since. Anyway, you are one of the best friends I have ever had. Not a fisherman, I didn’t opt in on the first two books (which I probably should have) but I look forward to seeing this one. My wife is obviously into it. I’ll get a report when she resurfaces. I can’t tell you how eager I am for the next one. I was enough a part of those years, I can’t wait to see what your take was on your own career. Put me one order for ten of those books because I’ll be gifting them to my best pals. Thanks for what you do. You have been incredible your entire life. S.J. L.”

“Neil. Your book got here yesterday. I didn’t know what to expect. You put together a good one. Barnes and Noble should pick this one up nationwide. You put together the best collection of jokes I have ever seen. Your choices: I approve. I would like to buy more copies for holiday gifts. JT”

“Neil. Wife brought the mail in. The dinner table I saw a package from you. Opened it up, before she even served dinner, I laughed four time. I can’t wait to see what the next 200 pages have. Just wanted to let you know, it got here and it has already been amusing. Dale.”

“Hey dumbass. Got your book yesterday. Couldn’t sleep last night. Three hours, did it start to finish. 3/4 of them: I have heard. 1/4 of it, never heard before and I was impressed. I’d have been happy just reading the ones I already know but you covered more than that. Anyway, you are still a knucklehead, but you didn’t do bad with putting out a joke book. Kevin”

Not without mentioning:  Not everything is good.  This one is depressing.   My friend. He is in the intensive care unit. His father thinks he’ll come through and be back better. For a little while. But he’s all beat up. Four weeks ago: There was nothing wrong with him. His wife: A harder case. I now talk to her every other day. She’s adjusting to the idea. But not very well. They have been married for 23 years. I’ve teetered on the edge but haven’t actually talked to her about him actually being dead. Unfortunately: It’s probably getting close. That’s just the way it is.

The world.   Commercials.   I didn’t like my Marketing courses in college.   I got into trouble with the professors with my objections.   My objections remain the same 25 years later.    I’m not buying your products because of your commercials.    Who is making these decision?     The cutesy idiotic stuff must work or they wouldn’t be doing it.   I guess I’m just saying:   It doesn’t work for me.    I want to know about the product.   What can it do for me.   In my opinion more evidence of the dumbing down of America..   

On that note:   The more I feel that way, the more I figure, I’ll just back up into my own world and ignore everything.    Neil Taylor disappears to live out his years.   Like five people would be affected.  

Fishing.   Every day for a while.   Word got out you can catch 300 fish in a couple of hours and people want in.     It shall be entertaining.   Pompano, better.   Better yet, then also bigger.   That’s good.    Need numbers to return to what we caught in 2017 and 2018.